Saturday, July 26, 2008

There is nothing better than a good run. Though its taken me some time to really appreciate this fundamental human ability, the journey has taught me somethings about myself.

Its all about staying positive. When I'm running up a hill, discouraged, I look on the brightside. Whether it be the view I'm going to have at the top, or thinking a happy thought, call me Peter Pan, but it works.

Running can do so many things for you. If you recently indulged yourself in a meal, and still don't know why you continued to eat even after you were full, take a little time to digest, and then run off the regret. Afterwards, you realize that while your discipline was initially weak, and you couldn't help yourself but devour, you still had enough will power to make up for your folly. The rest of the day, you won't linger on how stupid you were to eat that desert, but what will stick with you is the triumphant jog to the top-- of whatever you deem an accomplishmet.

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